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Tin Compounds
   Tin(II) chloride
   Tin(IV) chloride
   Tin(IV) dioxide
Tin(II) chloride SnCl2
: Corrosive :
A solution of tin(II) chloride containing a little hydrochloric acid is used for the tin-plating of steel, in order to make tin cans. An electric potential is applied, and tin metal is formed at the cathode via electrolysis.
Stannous chloride is also added as a food additive with E number E512 to some canned and bottled foods, where it serves as a colour-retention agent and antioxidant.
Tin(IV) chloride SnCl4
: Corrosive :
Stannic chloride was used as a chemical weapon in World War I. It is also used in the glass container industry for making an external coating containing tin(IV) oxide which toughens the glass.
Tin(IV) dioxide SnO2
SnO2 has been used as pigment in the manufacture of glasses, enamels and ceramic glazes. On its own SnO2 gives a milky white colour; other colours are achieved when mixed with other metallic oxides e.g. V2O5 yellow; Cr2O3 pink; and Sb2O5 grey blue.
SnO2 is used in sensors of combustible gases. In these the sensor area is heated to a constant temperature (low 100s °C) and in the presence of a combustible gas the electrical resistivity drops.